International School Award to 41 schools in Nepal and dialogue on Embedding International Dimensions into the Curriculum.
British Council Nepal awarded International School Award to 41 schools in Nepal and reaccredited three schools at their award ceremony held on 20 August 2019. This award is endorsed by the Center for Education and Human Resource Development (CEHRD) and this is the 7th year that Nepali Schools are being awarded through this programme.
The awards were handed over by the Chief Guest, Mr. Khagaraj Baral, Honourable Secretary, Ministry of Education Science and Technology and Guest of Honour Richard Morris, HMG British Ambassador to Nepal, British Embassy, Kathmandu.
Out of 64 schools from all over Nepal initially working on International School Award, 56 schools submitted their dossiers last year. The award-winning schools will be allowed to use the coveted International School Award kite mark along with their school logo on all the official stationery and promotional materials for a period of three years. British Council Nepal is celebration its 60th Anniversary this year in Nepal and 20th year of successful ISA around the globe.
Along with the award ceremony, The British Council also hosted a policy dialogue on “Embedding global learning and International dimension into the curriculum”. The main objective of the event was to provide a platform for stakeholders from the Ministry of Education and its line agencies, UK and schools from Nepal along with international speakers, practitioners and University experts to discuss
- where they are with preparing their students for a place in the global economy and
- how they might embed international dimension into their school’s ethos and curriculum and
- explore current best practices from Nepal and globally.