Please note the changes made to the International School Award due to the existing COVID-19 situation worldwide.

  • The virtual award ceremony was organised on 20 October 2020 for ISA 2019-20 schools where 23 schools were accredited with the full awards. Remaining schools from 2019-20 are encouraged to submit their portfolio by 5:00 PM of 20 May 2021 at
  • We have extended the accredited status of ISA batch 2016-17 by one year for all schools that were due reaccreditation in 2020. This means, the accredited status will be valid until 20 May 2021 and will have to apply in the next EOI call for ISA.
  • ISA 20-21 batch of schools are required to submit their e-portfolio dossiers by 5:00 PM 15 October 2021 to qualify for accreditation at