Through the #RoadtoCOP26 campaign, the British Council Nepal offered 16 women reporters in Nepal the chance to take part in a specialised five-week media workshop to hone their skills on climate change reporting, with a specific focus on gender in Nepal. 

After the end of the training and workshops, the selected reporters went on to research, produce and publish their unique stories. 

Here are the stories produced by the women reporters:

SN Author  News article/ stories
1 Bidhya Rai बझाङका १४ हजार परिवारलाई चरम खाद्य संकट, महिला–बालबालिका बढी मारमा
2 Marissa Leena Taylor

 In Mahottari, reclaiming riverbeds for farmland

How climate change is affecting Solukhumbu’s potatoes

3  Krishnamaya Upadhayay

 काली मार्सी फल्ने जुम्लाका फाँटमा स्याउ खेती

जुम्लाका किसानको जुक्तीः कुलोको विकल्प हिउँ संकलन पोखरी

रैथाने बाली जोगाउन जुम्लाका गाउँगाउँमा बीउ बैंक

4  Kabita Shrestha  Radio program on the impact of Climate Chnage
5  Madhuri Mahato

 भयावह रुप लिँदै प्लाष्टिकको प्रयोग तर जाने व्यवस्थापन गर्न सकिन्छ

तीन दशकदेखि खोलाकै धमिलो पानी पिउन बाध्य अमलेखगञ्जको अभाव र सम्भावना

6  Nitu Ghale  गाउँ सुक्खा हुँदा लेबनानतिर
7  Nirmala Kadayat  पानीको पीडा: मुहान घट्दै, दुःख बढ्दै
8  Nisha Rai

 Meet the entrepreneur who fights against climate change by engaging women in waste management

Planting indigenous crops to build climate resilience

A place to call home, away from home

9  Sujata Karki  Climate change and pandemic hit tourism hard in Ghandruk
10  Sonam Lama  How the climate crisis adds to child marriage in Nepal
11  Sabitri Giri

 जलवायु परिवर्तनले पिरोलिँदै महिला

उजाड क्षेत्र हरियाली वनको रुपमा रुपान्तरित हुन सम्भव छ ?

12 Urmila Gamwa Tharu

Impact of climate change on Tharu women | Dhakiya (ढकिया) | 

13 Sonam Choekyi Lama

Climate change is a disaster in the Nepal Himalaya

14 Sunita Sakhakarmi

जलवायु परिवर्तनले बढ्दैछ आङ खस्ने समस्या

15 Gaganshila Khadka

वातावरणीय अध्ययन विनाका स्थानीय सडकले जंगल सखाप, जलवायु परिवर्तनको असर तीब्र 

16 Apsara Samal 

कार्यक्रम जलवायु सरोकारको - Episode 1

रेडियो कार्यक्रम चर्चापरिचर्चा