Raju Shakya
Former Library Manager, British Council
I started my career as a librarian at the United Mission to Nepal before moving to the British Council. I joined the British Council in1995 and went on to work there for almost thirteen years. It was to become the foundation of my career. British Council offered me a Master’s degree in the United Kingdom, which I did in the library and information science, from Robert Gordon University. So, when I left the British Council I left as a qualified librarian.
The library and the British Council were synonymous with each other. We collectively served more than 7000 people in a year. The library connected directly with the youth of Nepal and created a long-term engagement with them. It was a laudable task.
I’d like to share one of the most exciting moments from 1998, that being the royal visit. Prince Charles’ visit to the British Council was the most important event on our social calendar. So, understandably, we were anxious and eager to make it a successful one. With that in mind, we held many mock-up exercises, so when the day came we were ready. That’s not to say we weren’t nervously anxious. We greeted Prince Charles at the circulation counter in the library; this was our first brush with British royalty. He shook hands with everyone and was so friendly and down to earth - we hadn’t expected royals to be like that. Prince Charles then asked us various questions about the library. I was part of that celebration and it is something I will always cherish.
Congratulations to the British Council for completing its 60th year in Nepal.