In executing our teacher development projects, we do not prescribe one particular methodology. Our approach involves designing programmes that are appropriate for the educational context of the region and the needs and priorities of the stakeholders.
We work on the basis of the following principles and beliefs on English language learning and teacher development:
- English is best acquired through communication and students should be given as much opportunity to use it in the classroom as possible.
- Collaboration through task-based group and pair-work has a very positive effect on learning.
- Teachers and students become motivated and develop a positive attitude to learning when it is engaging and fun and relates directly to their needs and context.
- Change can only be achieved if teachers are encouraged to reflect on their teaching practice and their personal beliefs about teaching.
- Through experiential teacher development activities such as peer teaching and lesson planning, teachers can practice and develop their teaching skills and knowledge more effectively.
- Teacher development programmes should provide a mix of teaching skills and subject matter knowledge.
- The relationship between the teacher and student or the teacher and trainer is fundamentally important and should be based on mutual respect and understanding.
The British Council has a team of highly qualified British and Nepali Training Consultants. In addition, we may assign ELT experts from leading institutions in the UK, and the world, to monitor or lead the project.