Pramod Shrestha

British Council Nepal delivered IELTS Exam on 28 October in Birtamode despite the curfew. Let’s hear from our IELTS Operation Manager Pramod Shrestha as to how difficult it was to conduct IELTS in such a situation. 

Pramod, tell us about the difficulties you faced?

On Friday we experienced difficulty in the movement of test material from Bhadrapur airport to test venue. At the airport we found out at airport there was a strike on main road due to recent local issues. We did not know the safe route to go to hotel. Our local partner helped advise on best route to take. Finally the Exams staff and the IELTS Speaking examiner were able to reach the venue. 

On Saturday there was also a curfew with main roads blocked. We spoke to the hotel about alternative access to the test venue. This information we communicated to each candidate by telephone by making individual calls. Therefore we managed to ensure safe route for candidate to arrive at test venue on both 27th and 28th. For the candidates this meant coming very early to the venue to ensure they could travel safely before there was any disturbance in the city. We provided simple refreshments and a waiting room to help manage this situation.

Did you manage to deliver the IELTS test to Birtamode candidates as planned?

Yes, we managed to deliver the test to our IELTS customers in Birtamode as planned.

Why did you make this effort?

I wanted to fulfil customers and  partner expectations. Also to commit to presence of British Council at Birtamode as a new test location. We showed in difficult situation as well British Council is committed and values its partners and customers.

Have you had any other experiences like this in the past?

Yes, I had experienced like this in the past. For example in Butwal on 17th December 2016 test I remember the political parties had called out 72 hours strike but we managed to deliver test in this difficult situation as well. 

Any other message for our IELTS customers and partners?

We are the partner you can trust for IELTS delivery. Everyone be sure that British Council is working hard to provide opportunities to access education and professional opportunities. British Council as a not-for-profit organisation has been present for nearly sixty years in Nepal and has been working closely with Ministry of Education, schools and education sector partners from the beginning.