Date:  24 March 2021 Wednesday
Time: 15:00 – 16:00 PM (NST)

Globally, skills development has proven to be effective when the private sector is closely involved in designing and implementing Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) provisions. Engaged public and private sectors, building and sustaining practical partnerships will pave the way for a balanced TVET sector in Nepal.  

Significant efforts have been made to engage the private sector in TVET provisions. However, central to a successful TVET system is to ensure continuous dialogue and engagement between government, private and non-government provisions of TVET, creating further spaces where private and public sectors are effectively engaged in informing national policy, guiding curriculum development, quality assurance systems, updating national labour market information, and the design and delivery of training among others. In this regard, Dakchyata: TVET Practical Partnership has made various strides in engaging Nepali private sector stakeholders in TVET, whether in policy dialogue or piloting training, public-private training modalities, or raising awareness on the benefits of TVET.  

Through the series of planned webinars, the project will bring together various stakeholders to shed light on how private sector engagement in TVET can be enhanced.  

Due to the current Covid19 crisis, virtual learning has become the much-needed solution. Thus, the project has decided to host series of webinars to support continuous dialogue on engaging the private sector in TVET. The first of such series will be shedding light on Improving Labour Market for Skills and Growth. 

Registration is open. Please register to participate in the webinar.