The key provisions specified for the service recipients from Guidelines for Recognition and Equivalency Determination 2075 in relation to secondary education (class 10 and class 12) has been publicized for the information of all. All concerned schools are requested to inform accordingly their students and parents about it.  

Minimum criteria and required documents to obtain equivalence as of class 12 for the students who have studied A-level programme:

The students who have studied A-level programme from foreign board or education institution should have completed advanced level at least in three subjects in the final exam of school education. For the students who were enrolled before 2017 March 23 and have completed Advanced Level, if the subjects studied in the Advanced Level are less than three, they should have completed the course of Advanced Level at least in two subjects and Advanced Subsidiary in additional two subjects. 

Documents to be submitted:

  • General Certificate of Education (GCE)
  • Statement of Results (SOR)
  • Migration Certification
  • Character Certificate

Notice on functional process of recognition and equivalency

1. The time of functional process for recognition and equivalency will be as follows:

  • Registration of application starts from 10:30
  • Lunch time will be 13:00-14:00. No service can be provided in this time.
  • Revenue fee collection and new application registration will be not performed after 15:00 (after 13:00 on Friday).

2. All copies of documents submitted with attestation from Notary Public. Original certificates should be presented while verifying the copies of certificates of educational qualifications. 

3.Before making equivalence of class 12, the equivalence of class 10 should be made and the copies of that also should be submitted. For the completion of class 10 from boards of Nepal, copies of mark sheet and original certificate should be submitted.

4. While coming to receive recognition and equivalence certificate, the original receipt of revenue fee payment must be brought.  

5. If any relative, other than the certificate holder, need to submit application and receive the certificate, copy of certificate showing true identity of the person who submits application should also be submitted. 

6. Please follow the procedures below to receive the recognition and equivalence certificate:

  • Attest the copies of certificates of educational qualifications along with original from counter number 1 or 2 in room number 1 of library building of CDC.
  • Pay the revenue fee at counter number 3 in room number 1.  
  • After paying revenue fee, wait for 2 hours and take your equivalence certificate from counter number 3 when calling your name. Please check the details in certificate, including spelling. If required to correct, request for correction and take the corrected certificate. 
  • Please sit patiently while officials of the section are out for lunch. Do not put unnecessary pressure complaining/saying that you are in hurry. 
  • The person who are unable to pay revenue and submit application till 15:00 (13:00 on Friday) of the day, please come tomorrow and take your services.